How to create a Site

This article describes how to create a Site on the Sites page of your Vromo account.

How to create a Site

  1. Log into VROMO with an Admin role.
  2. Go to the Sites page.
  3. Click on the Add New Site button.
  4. Fill in the fields on the General tab, ensuring that when entering the site's phone number that you select the correct international dial code for the country of origin.
  5. On the Location tab, start entering the site address and you will see a dropdown of predicted addresses while typing. Select the one that you are looking for.
  6. Once you have selected the address, you can zoom into the Location Adjust map and drag/drop the pin if necessary to ensure that it is 100% accurate. You can also change the radius around the store here which relates to the geo-fencing setting for the site if you opt to use this feature.
  7. In the Advanced tab, you can add the External ID for the site if required for reporting or integration purposes.
  8. Click Save Site.