This article will explain how to determine when the SMS on your Campaign will be sent out.
How to determine when a Campaign SMS goes out
On the SMS Template of your campaign, from the dropdown, the options you can select are Never, Created, Dispatched, Underway, Complete and then the various Task numbers.
- Never means that the SMS will never be sent to the customer
- Created means that the SMS will be sent straight away when the job is created on your Vromo account.
- Dispatched means that the SMS will be sent once the job has been dispatched to a driver.
- Underway means that the SMS will be sent once the job has been started by a driver.
- Complete means that the SMS will be sent once the job has been marked complete. This option would be used if you do not want your customer to be able to track their order, but still want them to be able to view the widgets on your campaign, such as leaving a rating for example.
- Task numbers mean that the SMS will be sent when the job has been swiped up to that task by the driver. The number of tasks a job has is determined within the Job Template that is in use on the relevant Site in question of your account.
- If you wish to send multiple deliveries with the same driver but do not want the second customer to be able to see that the driver is at the first customer's house, then selecting the task number that coincides with the delivery tasks in the Send When dropdown. This will ensure that the SMS is only sent to the second customer once the driver swipes to the delivery task that you have chosen from the dropdown.